
The next few poems will reflect my journaling during my short stay in Tanzania…


The following was written as my plane came into the morning of 6/25/18 as we approached Ethiopia..


First glimpse of you
At the break of dawn
And you are present
In all your glory
Along the horizon line
You rainbow in
With zestful orange
Richer than I’ve ever seen before
Slithers of yellow streak
With warmth of amber
Depth of your beauty
Assures me of your welcome
The night’s blue darkness
Looms above you
And you both meet
With equal forces
But you, Sun, rise to the days call
And golden wings spread
Pushing the night’s navy
To pales aqua
Oh the Lord of every land
Oh mighty Sun
How to acknowledge you?
Is all I have
To honor you

7 thoughts on “Sunrise

  1. From my friend KW…

    “What dawns on me (you have to forgive a corny impulse I can’t very well control) is how intimately you engage your subjects in your poetry. In this poem there is very little distance between a “new” day that has reoccurred in all its manifestations since our globe took shape and the spirit that shines so powerfully from your quick as poetic expression of your whole being, and which, for all I know, though with a newness that is uniquely shaped in your writing, is of a whole that is beyond time and space. Whatever, this comes across as a dialogue between you two.”

    Blown away! TP


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