Three Trees

Photo by Mukesh Patel
Three trees?
Yes, three trees
The first, obvious
Standing upon the earth
Erect, strong, reaching
Providing shelter
Forever changing 
The second, elusive
Etched upon the ground
Magical, intricate, delicate
Providing intrigue 
Forever illusionary 
The third, critical
Digging deep into the terra
Quiet, obscure yet resilient 
Providing sustenance 
Forever constant 
Likewise, we too 
Have three forms
This body
Owned and operated
The self image 
Imagined and sought
This inner spirit 
Forgotten or unknown
We are preoccupied 
With one and two, are we not?
But perhaps switching the focus 
To delve beneath the surface 
Find those stabilizing forces 
We too, can stand tall
Beautiful and worthy 
Of this ecosystem 
Here upon the Earth

The Baobab Tree


You may not tower
But stand you do
Strong and grounded
With reassuring girth
Your vertical ripples
And segmental trunking
Branch up symmetrically
Dispersed across the plains
You lend life to many
Hosting beehives
Nesting Superb starlings
With dried out river beds
Elephants gnaw deep into your trunk
Sucking your rich sap
Parasitic plant life
Twine around and into your branches
No harm done
As your longevity is into the hundreds
Oh mighty tree
Humble and kind
In this arid bush land
You stand giant-like
Sharing all you are
Giving house and nutrients
Denying not even the termites
In awe of your qualities
Humbled by your lessons
You teach it is possible
To live with all who share your space