Hanging on by a nail…

So much weight,

On your shoulders

On your back.

Hunched over 

Broken down

Beaten by your own mind.

For the love of God

For the love of life,

For it can only be for love.

Hang on by that nail

Or that thread,

But mostly, by each breath.

So generously delivered

Without request

Without any demands.

Let yourself receive 

This love supreme,

That will never be understood, only felt.

For no matter

Any circumstance,

It is loyal

It is faithful

Just to you

Until the very end.


Historical representation 

The return of a light force

Joy and comfort rejoiced 

Reality check

Light is omnipresent 

Even in the darkest of times

Not only does it dance

At the break of dawn

In the twinkle of stars

But in the hurl of waves

In the flicker of eyes 

And roar of laughter 

I came as light

Much like a blow torch

Universally charged

The force, the light

Burns, sustains 

Every breath, every day

My casing ages


As my light remains constant 

The day will come

When it’s work for me is done

Then silently it moves on

Cherishing this light

Without which 

I am mere dust




My light 

It chose me 

It is me 

Being happy

In my light

Celebrate my Diwali 

Grief Postponed

He’s gone

A lifetime of 83 years

One last breath

And he’s gone




And then the pain

With no time to absorb 

No time to feel

Only the processes, the needs

Of affairs to be resolved

Dictating an attention



The grief 

And now with only space

And a sudden influx of time 

Comes the pain, the tears

For he really is gone

Epitome of being Loved

The universe has conspired

Conspired for your existence

Not against you but for you

The coming together of time

The alignment of elements

Molecules, atoms,

Wind, air, dirt

Yes it has all conspired

That you may be here

That you may feel, see, think, love

Do you feel your existence

The rhythm in which you sway

Can you connect to your source

Can you find the wavelength

Where the eternal sits within you

Be still, be quiet

And the space will find you, hold you


Ironically coined is ‘mind-ful-ness’

As we know only too well

How to continuously over think

And invariably this leads to confusion


And ultimately is limiting, crippling

Perhaps we need to be

More of ‘heart-ful-ness’

And less of mind

Heartfulness brings 

Fruition to feelings 

Of empathy, friendship, trust

Naturally bringing forth

Kindness, love, compassion

Unity and oneness

Which then allows a joyful contentment

A happy gratefulness

An ultimate peacefulness

Such a short distance

From heart to mind

Yet at times they seem as if a million miles apart

Sometimes we even confuse

One for the other

Do you know the difference in their voices?

One will say you must do this or that

The other will say nothing

Letting you feel your way there

Perhaps there are no right or wrongs

But be assured

When you listen to your heart

The answers will be waiting

And your peace and sanity

Have the chance to be restored

“Self-care” Bah humbug!

Rave of the age

Is to have ‘self care’

Put yourself first

Take care of you

And all can be well!


Carve out time for you

Take a walk

Take a bath

Read a book

Do what speaks to you!

Yes notes of sarcasm

From the queen of self care

As all we are doing is running

Running from the negatives

Awkward situations

Stresses of life

The inescapables

And so the so called problems

Accompany you everywhere!

It’s the noise between the ears

The constant chatter

Clatter of thoughts

Fueling the emotions

Of anger, fear, jealousy and doubt

These you carry

Never abandon

To these thieves

We open the doors of our mind and heart

They counsel you

Convince you

Tell you your worth

Then they raid and rob you

Leaving you soulless

In despair, with frustration and anxiety

But there’s a larger vault

Deep, much deeper within

Which when opened

Releases a power

Gentle and expansive

Second to none

No matter where you stand

You can smile with understanding

Laugh with joy

And feel vibrantly alive

To recognize this gift

Lifts a veil

And the thieves then must scamper

From the generosity of the Giver

Comes these teachings of a lifetime

What a fortune to listen

To absorb

To feel, to understand

Just a little each and every day

Bigger than the differences..


Five seas
Seven continents
Countless countries
And seven billion faces

Of all the possibilities
You and I meet!

Short acquaintances
Long friendships
Pleasant affairs
Awkward collisions

Personal or political
Social or historical
The issues are many
And repeated generationally

Attracting and repelling
Sometimes reoccurring
Encounters test and teach
But are we ready for the learning

For the snapshot
Of our existence
What will we gain
What legacy will be changed

Whether we live
Loud and large
Or quiet and small
One thing is for sure

As we came
We shall leave
So as we meet
Let’s share a seed

The seed of kindness
With a listening ear
A supportive hand
And a wish for good stewardship

Hence, may we deserve to live
Upon this ‘pale blue dot’
And on exiting
Leave it the same if not a speck better

Mates of the same soul…

For some,

I am a representation

Of their enamor with another.

For some,
They see me but fear my thorns.
For others
I’m too dainty to touch or unreachable.
But you,
You find me though I hide.
You see
Not only my contours, hues and parts,
But my longing, luster and love.
With your lens and your gaze,
You cast away my shadows.
Make my surrounding disappear,
Give me center stage
Bringing me into existence,
And then make me immortal.
Hovering and circling
You embrace
Even dance me.
Moving from a steadfast stance
To glorious highs of the smoothest rhythms.
Finally, we find our place
Where the moment is captured,
With a knowing that the frame,
Shows how we are mates
Of the same soul.

Breath of Fresh Air


This stagnant air
Pungent with pride
Obstinacy and malice!
Leaves no room to breathe.

The weave so thick
With every cause, every claim
Each voice just another noise.
No surprise there are no winners.

Acute pain or oblivion
Victim or perpetrator,
The weight so heavy, why bother to change!
Just surrender to your place in the chain.

Yet each day there’s a new dawn
Chance to shed the snake skin, leave behind yesterday.
Make the clean break
With a breath of fresh air.

Walk, even run away from the clatter,
But don’t turn that blind eye!
Summon the strength from within
With each in and exhale.

Rotating in our spaces
We may not know each other,
We may not even see each other.
But we are linked by times past and present.

Each one of our acts count.
From a hand in community work
To recycling plastic bottles
Or a simple smile and story shared.

Denying our obvious commonalities is ignorance accepted!
As this one world is home to all.
And even more basic
Is how we breathe,
The same air
In the same way.

So together,
Lets make
And take,
A breath of fresh air.

Resonance 1


Flow of flutes
Beat of drums
Glide of strings

Instruments played
Notes to melodies
Melodies to harmonies

Moving towards me
Ears not only
But my pores

Hear the feeling
Of ancient times
With divine perseverance

We blend
Boundary lost
Vibrating as one

Am I the music?
Is the music in me?

In this space
Unquestioned freedom

Gently resides
Inviting me

P’haps even saved

Flow, rhythm

To my being
Being alive
Being here