The Third Season

Anatoliy Misuik, Autumn Breath, 2022, Lviv Ukraine

The morning air

clean and slight crisp.

The golden orb

slower to rise.

This third season

closes what has been amassed 

with a serene gratitude.

Gentle and as abundantly as the falling leaves.

Yet opens the door 

to reflection and consolidation,

giving rise to fortitude 

needed to step into the shorter darker days.

Maturing beauty surrounds

with swaying wheat bushels.

Rich solid gourds and pumpkins 

adorning doorsteps and mantles.

Summer fruits dwindle,

as hearty fall veggies

gathered for soups and stews 

await crusty bread dipping.

This the season 

of closing in onto the self.

Comforting for some.

Frightful for others.

For your own autumn’s coming,

collect the savoring of memories 

rich and robust for growing closer 

to your inner core.

As this, your core, will never dwindle

decay and dissolve. 

And as you await your winter

fear not the cold or isolation.

But welcome the comfort,


of that which you has seen you through 

each and all of your seasons.

To be or not to be…. Worthy

Guilt, fear

Successes, failures

Right turns, wrong turns

This is the noise between the ears.

Always questioning your worthiness 

To bask in your wholeness

Where divinity awaits you.

This is the very distraction

Obscuring your passage

Creating your barrier

To your inner self and awareness.

It is here that the infinite is united

With your mortality.

Here ‘now’ allows

The ultimate experience 

The experience 

The millennia took

In the creation of you.

So ask not of your worthiness

Your presence 

Dictates your absolute claim.

Breathe in this life

It will take your breath away

Let it make you breathless.

By the most precious of realizations awaited

You are worthy

Be humbled by your opportunity

Be awed in your gratitude.

Grasp every moment

New as dew

Fresh and crisp 

And just as transitory.

So capture and be focused

As night will come

And you’ll need 

Your own light

To carry you without fear.

Only possible for having already 

Met your creating divinity.


Magnificent simplicity 

Delicately glorious 

Profoundly present 

Regally virtuous 

Composition unique 

Yet familiarity opens

My heart once more

And a warmth released

How far we stray

In this world 

Of asphalt and tar

Where trees are cleared

Where creatures made homeless 

And man banks

Another buck

And builds yet another city

When will we learn

When will we remember 

The ecosystem 

The cosmos 

All rotate, revolve 

In a natural order

When a simple rose

One of a million

Can tell the story

Of a divine perfection 

And inspire a gratuitous love

From your deepest vault

This is the gift

Not of a dozen roses

But merely just one

As housed in her

The depth of a beauty

Is the same for me 

The same for you

Glow and yield

To what is nature’s 

Rhyme and reason

Love and grace

And accept the abundant plenitude 

Epitome of being Loved

The universe has conspired

Conspired for your existence

Not against you but for you

The coming together of time

The alignment of elements

Molecules, atoms,

Wind, air, dirt

Yes it has all conspired

That you may be here

That you may feel, see, think, love

Do you feel your existence

The rhythm in which you sway

Can you connect to your source

Can you find the wavelength

Where the eternal sits within you

Be still, be quiet

And the space will find you, hold you

“Self-care” Bah humbug!

Rave of the age

Is to have ‘self care’

Put yourself first

Take care of you

And all can be well!


Carve out time for you

Take a walk

Take a bath

Read a book

Do what speaks to you!

Yes notes of sarcasm

From the queen of self care

As all we are doing is running

Running from the negatives

Awkward situations

Stresses of life

The inescapables

And so the so called problems

Accompany you everywhere!

It’s the noise between the ears

The constant chatter

Clatter of thoughts

Fueling the emotions

Of anger, fear, jealousy and doubt

These you carry

Never abandon

To these thieves

We open the doors of our mind and heart

They counsel you

Convince you

Tell you your worth

Then they raid and rob you

Leaving you soulless

In despair, with frustration and anxiety

But there’s a larger vault

Deep, much deeper within

Which when opened

Releases a power

Gentle and expansive

Second to none

No matter where you stand

You can smile with understanding

Laugh with joy

And feel vibrantly alive

To recognize this gift

Lifts a veil

And the thieves then must scamper

From the generosity of the Giver

Comes these teachings of a lifetime

What a fortune to listen

To absorb

To feel, to understand

Just a little each and every day

Ancient Beads

From a simple ritual
To the practicing yogi,
The one hundred and eight beads
Constitutes a time for intentional focus.

Initiated in the 8th century BC,
These spiritual beads in Hinduism
Now are used through Islam, Christianity
Buddhism, 2/3rds of the world’s population.

Whether wood, seed or stone
They shall deliver
Properties of healing, protection
And most commonly, spiritual practice.

I gift this to you,
So you can intentionally
Breathe 108 times
With vitality, feeling vibrancy.

Speak a mantra
Drawing you inwards.
Feel the earthly element
Connecting you to Mother Earth.

Simply put, I wish you
108 blessings,
108 guardians,
108 freed moments
Each and every day.

May you hold this mala
With the clarity it was made,
With the love it is sent,
And wisdom with which you shall use.


A simple puff of air
More magnanimous 
Than the greatest 
Of grandest gestures
You hold the essential
Of all that is
All that was 
And all that will be
Present as a mere undertone
An undercurrent 
Rarely front and center
Yet there is no me without you
Your ebb and flow
My love and joy
Your to and fro
My gift and glow
Within this cycle
Lays all that can be
Right here, right now
Not before nor after
So thankful for the reminders
So grateful for the chances
To feel present in letting go
To feel held in bowing low


The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering ..

~ Ben Okri ~

To rise past all

That’s dares to smoother

The layers on layers

Commitments and constraints


To float above

The threat that tugs

The ties and chains

Of bonds and relations


To fly over

The snares invisible

The smoke and mirrors

The lies and illusions


Ah what relief

When the truth be known

To free my wings

To uncage my heart