

Which list, my infinite joy, do you belong to?
The to-do list so I can feel accomplished?
The list of what I can do when the to-do list is done, so I don’t feel guilty?
Or the list that comes before all lists, as the day is just not right if not done?

Why must there be an order when joy is an essence?!
Why must there be a turn when joy is omnipresent?!
Is there a front seat or a back seat to joy?
Am I a driving force or an observer?

Joy is all of the above and more.
Joy was yesterday
Joy is today and will be tomorrow
The deciding factor is presence…
Will I be or not…

Joy is a state of being, is it not..
Joy is present in your stillness
It is there in your action
Joy is the fruit of your appreciation..

Oh what joy to know joy!

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